There are many aspects to environmental design and sustainability such as social inclusion, embodied energy, ethical sourcing of materials, future adaptability, energy in use , energy in build...., quality of design, recyclability etc etc .. however as my client was concerned with the increasing cost of energy ..lets focus on how we achieved 95% energy efficiency.
During its life it will produce more energy than it uses!!
It is designed using simple principles.
1. Reduce 'house in use' demand for energy.
This is achieved by:
1. Super insulated walls- In this case using Insulated Concrete Form work (a cost effective and super insulated wall construction)
2. Triple Glazing.
3. Airtightness detailing throughout.
4. Super Insulated Floor detailing.
5. Large expanse of south facing glazing to avail of free solar heat.
6. Use of mechanical heat recovery and sealed ventilation system.
7. Use of a air tight vestibule.
2. Generate energy on site:
This is achieved by:
1. Photovoltaic panels elegantly integrated on the roof design- 4kw system will pay the client dividends long term
2. 200metre ground borehole connected to Ground source heat pump
3. Connected to low temp regulated underfloor heating
4. Installation of wood burning stove using wood cuts from site. Heat generated is recovered and circulated throughout house.
These are the broad stroke basics of creating Super energy efficiency at a surprisingly affordable cost. There are so many aspects and variables.. each project must be tailored to its particular site and location achieve the maximum value from the site.
If you want to discuss more contact : or 0141 2372775 or 07792568557.